Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time is ticking

The holiday's almost over and back to school it is.
1 Week to finish up both D&T and dance.
If it wasn't for the stupid H1N1, my D&T wouldn't drag until now.
Oh well. Was fun during the holidays.
Its time to get back to studies.

PS. I hate my aircon!

Selfish people

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Getting Slacky

A Millionare's First Love

This movie really teaches the meaning of life and how precious it is.
Probably one of the most touching movies I ever watched.
Even though shown on 2006, it's not really that bad.

So today's going as per normal.
Had cfew training "practice" from 10 till 3.30.
Wonder what's the progress being made.

As for the rest of the day, its spent stoning and movies.
Oh well, school better start soon or im gonna get slacky.

How does it feel to emotionless?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

In Case Of Emergency

Just what I need to paste on my wall.
The best cure you can ever get from stress.

As usual, couldn't sleep again. Been having weird thoughts.
Not sure why and not keen to find out. I just want to sleep.
Cousin gonna drop by SG tommorow on a 9 hour transit.
Basically, tomorrow's book by both of them.
Been a long time since we last met. WOnder if they have changed.

Not gonna be able to use brother's com often.
He's coming back on Sunday. Things are gonna get boring.

Oh well, at least for a week, I get to stay home alone.
It was worth it I guess?


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Don't you wish we can just reset everything in life?
The regrets we ever make from life being overcomed.
Just with a push of the reset button.
But its all just a fantasy...

I just felt like stopping in life and take a look back.
In what I've done and what I failed to do.
Was it even worth it doing some of those things?
Or was it the emotions of mine doing so?

Right now, life's just messed up.
I don't even know what to do right now.
I don't think anyone would bother reading this.
Cheap thrills or whatsoever.
So don't think this is regretting over something I did which a certain someone should know.
Because I'm not and never will.

Nothing much to say. Just about the weather though.
Not much cool air until September.
I should had gone back to Indonesia to enjoy some fresh air.

Life's a bitch
But that's what makes life a challenge

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Website -

Lately been busy with crew website.
Visit it!

Don't really have the time to update.

I'm missing someone real badly...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Niga Higa rules. Lol. His video's the best. Watch it on youtube!
So basically, today was pwned day for us.
What we did was just pwn everyone? Lol.

Gonna get his videos. Shall blog later on. Just came back.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Fine whatever. For all I care. Gossip all you want. Lol.
Wonder to who sia? Those geeks? Man! I'm so scared.
You don't even deserve my attention low life.
I shan't bother wasting my time here.

Pathetic loser